Evangelist Scott Dawson says he plans to run for governor of Alabama.
When Evangelist Scott Dawson, a frequent radio guest on "The Rick and Bubba Show," decided to run for governor, he gave his friends a call.
Dawson was a guest on the show this morning and announced his plan to run for governor.
"I share Good News," Dawson told AL.com. "Alabama needs good news. Maybe they need a governor who's an evangelist."
Dawson, 49, said he has stepped down as chief executive officer of the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association, which has an annual budget of $3.6 million, although he will still keep an office there and a title of staff evangelist.
Dawson founded the evangelistic ministry in 1987 and preaches to about 100,000 people a year at crusades and other events, he said.
"I will lead through a lens of biblical worldview," Dawson said. "We need someone who will not just check a box but live out their faith."
Dawson was born in Birmingham on Sept. 14, 1967. He graduated from Ensley High School in 1985, then Samford University in 1989 and Beeson Divinity School in 1993.
"We can't continue to go down these same roads," said radio host Rick Burgess of the need for a change in state politics. "Something has got to change."
Burgess and co-host Bill "Bubba" Bussey may have disappointed some when they announced this morning they have no plans to run for office. They said they want to support someone who is not a career politician.
"We're going to talk about a candidate today who didn't want to do it," Bussey said.
Bussey said Dawson asked him to run for governor, but he declined.
"Bubba for governor sounds really good," Dawson said.
The 2018 Alabama gubernatorial election will be Nov. 6, 2018. Gov. Kay Ivey, who took office in April after the resignation of Gov. Robert Bentley, will be eligible to run for a full term.